

📚💕 | Spicy Romantasy Picks: The Top 10 Must-Read Fantasy Romance Series of 2024 By Honest Fiction

📚💕 | Spicy Romantasy Picks: The Top 10 Must-Read Fantasy Romance Series of 2024 By Honest Fiction 

 Hi guys, it's Jess from honest fiction,and welcome back to my blog post in In today's article, I'm going to be sharing all of the fantasy romance series I want to read in 2024. All right, guys, so I already posted a fantasy romance anticipated release article for 2024; however, this article is going to be a famous romance series that I haven't tried yet, but I really want to pick up in 2024, so I have 10 series on here, and I'm very excited to talk. Let's talk about these fantasy romance series.

The Ever King: A Dark Fantasy Romance (The Ever Seas)

by LJ Andrews (author)

The Ever King: A Dark Fantasy Romance (The Ever Seas)

So starting off, we have the Everse series, the first book being. "The Ever King," and this is by LJ Andrews, takes place in the same world as a curse of shadows and thrones. I have heard that you should finish that first series before Jing into the Everking if you want to avoid spoilers for that first series; however, a lot of my friends and I are currently reading the Everking series. And they are loving it, so all I know about this book is that we are following it. king who has been cursed to spend eternity in this underwater realm until the daughter of his enemy accidentally releases him, and I believe it is their romance. I also heard this has pirates. Vikings Fay everything I love, so I am so excited to pick this book up. Unfortunately, the audiobook is not coming out until March, so I'm probably going to wait until Len reads it. However, I am so excited, and this will definitely be a series I read in 2014.

Get It The Ever King,

Fear the Flames (The Fear the Flames series) By Olivia Rose Darling (author)

Fear the Flames (The Fear the Flames series)

and next up is "Fear of The Flames," So I've been seeing this cover going around. bookstagram for a while, and I went on good reads to read the plot synopsis, and I am going to be honest; I have read it. three times in preparation for filming. In this clip, I do not know what the plot is. of this book is about, uh, there is a lot going on. I do believe it is about a girl who is somehow bonded with dragons and her people. I think she's a princess. of a kingdom seems to be starving, so she ends up partnering with a possible commander and another group of misfits, and they try to pull off a heist in some sort of impenetrable castle. This is literally the wording it gives, so I'm not exactly sure. I'm not sure what it's about, but I have heard that it has a really good It also apparently has dragons. I'm all about dragons now; unfortunately, there is There is no audiobook for this book; however, it was recently picked up by a traditional publisher, so I'm hoping there will be one in the future, but this does sound really good. I know it's been getting a lot of very good reviews, so I'm very excited to read it.

Get It, Fear the Flames

Heavenly Bodies (The Heavenly Bodies Series)

by Imani Erriu (Author), Lucy Melrose

and next up is "Heavenly Bodies." Now that this series was gaining a lot of popularity earlier this year and I've owned a physical copy for a while, I really want to pick it up. Unfortunately, there is no audiobook available yet, but I'm hoping that changes in 2024. So, from what I understand,this is about a girl who lives in a world where stars are evil. And when she was born, there was a prophecy that she would fall in love with the star, but the star would be pretty. much doom in the world, so one day she's at her kingdom, and stars start coming down. and attacking, so she ends up fleeing to an enemy kingdom, where she is forced to train and learn how to use her dark magic, so it sounds really good. like something'I'd be totally into. I just really hope there is an audiobook. released soon, but yeah, I'm very, very

excited to pick this series up.

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A Court This Cruel and Lovely (Kingdom of Lies)

by Stacia Stark (Author)

A Court This Cruel and Lovely: Kingdom of Lies, Book 1

and next up is the "Kingdom of Lies series". first book being a court this cruel and ugly, and honestly, this series has been out for a while, and I had never heard of it. I believe it was Sam from Sam reading a post I recently posted about it, and I am definitely intrigued, and the plot sounds so good, so this is following a girl that lives in this world where the gods are As soon as humans were created, they took all of the power away from humans. and in exchange, they protect humans. against the Fay now, if there are any humans that still possess power known as being corrupted, and they are essentially burned at the stake, so our The main character ends up realizing that she has this power, and when it is discovered, she has to flee. She ends up fleeing into the arms of a mercenary. who had left her for dead previously, and he offers her an exchange and says he will help. train her in her magical abilities if she will help him and his friend sneak. into her kingdom, and the story goes from there, and I am all about this, so this is definitely one of the series I played in. Reading for fans Ro Feb, and I am so excited,

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The Crown of Oaths and Curses (The Mortal Fates, Book 1)

by J Bree (Author)

The Crown of Oaths and Curses (The Mortal Fates Book 1)

And next up is the Mortal Fate series by JB, with the first book being The "Crown of Oaths and Curses." I've wanted to pick this book up for so long, so J. Bri is the same author who wrote The Bons. That TI series, which is my favorite white fantasy romance series if you like white, is highly recommended. recommend now; this is apparently real. enemies to lovers like these people. absolutely hated each other when it first It starts with a witch and a romance. We're following this girl, who is a witch. or like one of the descendants of the top witches, and there is a prophecy. that she has to help this Fay King. defeat his greatest enemy, I think like creating harmony amongst the world. Now the issue is that she is his greatest enemy; however, he does not realize that yet, so it is their story. I heard it is also very slow, which honestly makes me prefer it to take a very long time. for two characters to get together as opposed to them getting together right away. and then they spend the rest of the series having things like miscommunication and things like that, so I am all about the born romance, and I cannot wait to read This series

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Midnight of Ashes (Dragons of Ember Hollow Book 2)

by Tessa Hale (Author)

Midnight of Ashes (Dragons of Ember Hollow Book 2)

The next series is "Dragon of Ember Hollow," and this is by Tessa Hale, so this is a three book

series, and it is a wide-choice dragon. shifter fantasy romance series, and I am so excited, so I actually have the Arc of the first book, and I'm going to be listening to it as soon as I'm done. filming this clip, and it sounds amazing. So we are following this girl, whose parents, I believe, were murdered. I just got accepted into a premed program. and she ends up meeting these guys. They are all very different. personalities, so we have, like, the golden retriever is a jock type guy, then we have a genius, a billionaire, and then you always have like that one tortured soul type, and then there's another one, but I cannot wait. I have been loving Tessa.'s writing and just her world; they are so utterly bingeable, and I just absolutely love them, so that is another series I will definitely be reading early in 2024.

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And next up is the old Earth series, with the first book being "Blood Guard." Now this series isn't releasing. until the summer of 2024; however, The premise sounds really good, so I cannot wait to pick it up. We are following this. man named Leaf who ends up going to a new civilization in order to try to save his dying sister, so he ends up becoming a gladiator, thinking that there's really nothing else he can lose, but in doing so, he realizes that there actually is one, so he ends up losing not only his sister but his health, his livelihood, and his freedom. So one day, he ends up meeting this Fay princess, who is everything and absolutely despises him, and she offers him a deal that can gain back his freedom if he will become her personal guard. The story goes from there, so like I said, it sounds so good, and this will be released in June 2024.

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White Horse, Black Nights

White Horse Black Nights (The Godkissed Bride)

Next up is the …. Kissed Bride Duet: The First Book. White Horse Black Knights, and this is an adult fantasy romance, and we're following this girl who has been raised in this terrible convent, where she has been horribly abused, and then she finds out that she is forced to marry a kind of nobleman in another kingdom. However, in this world, there are people. that are known as god-touched, and what That means you have this special ability, but it is very rare, so we find Out of our main characters, Sabine, God touched me to be able to talk to animals, so while she is getting ready and preparing to go to her future husband, she finds out that she actually has to travel to her future husband completely bare, and with the company of a guard, so it is the guard and Sabine's romance, and so far it's really good. I'm not going to lie; I did start this book, I'm about halfway into it, and I'm completely addicted, so I'm already positive I'm going to read the second. book in this duet, probably by the end of January. Although my January TBR is a little bit insane, I'm loving this. first book so much; it is so unique and not at all what I was expecting, so I highly recommend it if you're looking for a unique fantasy romance duet.

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To Bleed a Crystal Bloom: Crystal Bloom, Book 1

Sarah A. Parker (Author),
To Bleed a Crystal Bloom: Crystal Bloom, Book 1

and the last series is kind of cheating because I did read the first book; however, I wasn't able to go on to the rest of the series, and I definitely have to do a reread of the first book. because I forget 80% of what happens, but it is to bleed a crystal. Bloom and I listen to this on audio. I believe 2022 was like the end, and I loved it, but at the time, it was the second book to snap! A silver stem hadn't been released. and then too much time went by, so I will definitely be reading To Bed a Crystal. Bloom in February; that's one of the first books I plan on reading, but the The story follows this Warden, who ends up stumbling upon this massacre, and the only survivor is this little girl, who is like covering Gore, and when he picks her up, he notices something about her. and he goes to kill her, but then he hears a voice in his head, and he's able to stop himself, and instead he takes her back to his isolated castle, where he raises her completely in isolation. like the top of this castle and all He asks in return for keeping her as his is a drop of her blood every night, and we don't exactly know what he's doing. with the blood, and there are so many different things, like creatures and characters, and our main character is very naive, and you're kind of discovering the world. with our main character, which I really appreciated, and it was unlike any other fantasy romance I've ever read, so I am looking forward to jumping back into The Tuita Crystal Blue World. Guys, those are some of the fantasy romance series I most look forward to picking up in 2024. Please let me know. down in the comments below, what fantasy What Roman series are you most looking for? I look forward to reading this year, and I'd also like to give a huge shout out to my two palatin protectors, the highest tier of my patreon, so Amanda and Aaron, thank you so much, you guys, and I said this already. Please like and subscribe, and I will see. you all next. bye

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